Sunday, June 5, 2016

I Got My Mojo Back

I've been very quiet the since my last post.  Ive tried to sit down and post to describe the thoughts that were running through my head and why I was struggling.  Every time I sat down to write I just drew blanks.  The only way I can describe how I was feeling would be hopelessness.  the past week I have fought with myself to eat right and hit the gym.  Even though I knew doing those things was for my benefit mentally and physically I just couldn't get myself to do them 100%.  Self doubt and deprecation dominated my mind.  After days of those feelings yesterday I watched a crossfit video called "killing the fat man" on youtube.  And it was uncanny how much I had in common with that guy.  Same thoughts, same feelings and same actions.  Listening to him and watching him succeed and change his way of thinking reignited the fire with in me.  So after a great breakfast I am headed to the gym to go beat the crap out of myself and start taking steps in the right direction again.  And I will be posting again later today.

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