Thursday, June 2, 2016

Is Failure Part of the Process?

I've been trying to figure out how or what to post for the last few days.  It's never easy admitting failure.  As much as I don't personally know anybody who reads this blog it's still hard to publicly admit mistakes you have made.   I have been so confident and positive during this process and I can honestly say I don't know what happened.  I didn't have any rational reason for breaking my routine.  I had one bad day which I tried to get past.  Next day started out well and then went to shit and for what ever reason I was not able to rebound and get back into my plan.  I have no excuse which is the worst and most embarrassing part.  Generally people would say work, life or some type of significant incident caused you to derail but I have none of that.   When I was a kid if a crashed my bike or was doing something and got hurt my dad would say "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again."  I will take that advice to heart as an adult and pick myself up, dust myself off and try again.  I am still down 10 pounds from my original start weight so that is a positive.  Round 2 starts now!

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