Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why people fail at losing weight

Does anybody know what the hardest thing about losing weight is. I bet most people will say either the exercise or eating healthy. But both are wrong. In my opinion the biggest reason people fail at losing weight is LIFE. Life never co-operates with your schedule or your desires. Take yesterday for example Day 2 of my new lifestyle and I have my whole day planned out. But guess what Life kicked me in the balls. Water pump goes out in my truck and so instead of going to the gym for cardio making my meals and planning my workouts for the following day I spend most of the day fixing my truck. Instead of nicely prepared meal from home I have to get something already prepared. But you know what thats ok. I didn't let that derail me. Instead I made the best of a bad situation. Was my eating perfect? No. But I did choose the healthiest thing I could find and stuck to my fasting window. And for me thats a victory. Ok heres the thing. Fat people are fat for a reason. Its something we do to ourselves. Why we do it has as many answers as how we do it. Some over eat our of boredom some for emotional reasons. Me I stress eat. When shit goes wrong i find comfort in a full belly of shitty food. So the fact that I didn't allow that to happen yesterday counts as a win. When LIFE tries to kick you in the balls, wear a cup!

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